Business Coach for 7-Figure Business Owners


Integrity & Commitment

< 1 “My family is one of the main motivations that drives me to run our business with integrity and to always think about the best ideas that can positively impact people around me.” | “Mi familia es una de las principales motivaciones que me impulsan a administrar nuestro negocio con integridad y que me inspira a …

Integrity & Commitment Read More »

Happy Thanksgiving!

3 MIN READ Here it is…a list of the things that I’m thankful for: 1. For the family that I have. My family is the corner stone of my life, without their support things wouldn’t matter much. They play a very important role in everything I do. I always try to be the best son, dad, husband, relative, …

Happy Thanksgiving! Read More »

If you’re lucky to have a Mexican for a Friend, you’ve got a Friend…

< 1 I receive an e-mail this morning that shows that differences between a friend and a Mexican friend…I LOL when I read it because everything is pretty much truth! Something different for a change…not everything is about business! Comparison Thesis: FRIENDS versus Mexican Friends FRIENDS: Never ask for food. MEXICAN FRIENDS: Are the reason you have …

If you’re lucky to have a Mexican for a Friend, you’ve got a Friend… Read More »