Today is International Women’s Day, a global day celebrating women’s social, economic, cultural, and political achievements. My mom, my grandmother, and all of my aunts were entrepreneurs. They were fearless in taking risks and started businesses despite the odds being stacked against them. Growing up, I could always feel their determination as they faced every challenge head-on.
Their success was inspiring; owning their own business meant that they had control over their lives and could live life on their terms. They had successful companies and nurtured strong family ties despite how busy each of them were. There was always time for us kids in the family — no matter what!
These women taught me a lot about resilience, ambition, and balance: something that will stay with me forever. I’m so grateful for having such determined role models who never gave up on reaching their goals, even when it seemed impossible at times!
Women have made significant progress in the business world throughout the U.S. over the past several years, especially in earning professional roles and higher-level positions. A survey conducted in 2017 found that women-owned businesses produce $1.8 trillion in revenue annually and provide jobs to nearly 10 million people. Women are now starting businesses at more than double the rate of men, and those women-owned enterprises employ a larger percentage of minorities – making women in business undeniably influential. Plus, with women starting businesses with 2/3 less capital than men on average, it symbolizes their commitment to making something out of nothing, proving that women can thrive in all aspects of business.
Women entrepreneurs play a vital role in the economy, yet they often face unique challenges when starting and growing their businesses. They need access to resources that will help them survive and thrive.
Business networks like the Hispanic Chamber of E-Commerce, the U.S. Business Association of E-Commerce, and other business associations provide access to some of the tools and resources that women in business need to grow their businesses. These organizations offer online visibility, networking opportunities, and educational resources that can make a real difference for women entrepreneurs.
Let’s support the valuable contributions that women in business have to the economy by actively supporting their businesses in any way we can. Promote their businesses to your networks, use their products and services, and invest in their companies.
Women in business, share your website or any social media profile below! You are not alone, and there is no need to try to conquer everything alone. We know you are unstoppable, but sometimes it’s ok to get some extra help, and some of us are willing to do so. Let’s get visibility and support for all the fantastic businesses women own and are growing!