Here it is…a list of the things that I’m thankful for:
1. For the family that I have. My family is the corner stone of my life, without their support things wouldn’t matter much. They play a very important role in everything I do. I always try to be the best son, dad, husband, relative, son-in-law and friend. I grew up surrounded by the love of my family. I’m very thankful to have them in my life.
2. For the friends and business partners that I have and for the people I have met this year. I’m a very social person so that’s why I’m extremely thankful for the people that support me and put their trust in me. There is a long list of people that I respect and admire for who they are and for everything that they have accomplished. I have learned a lot from them. Thank you all for being part of my life.
3. The opportunities that I have had. I’m very thankful for everything that the Hispanic Chamber of E-Commerce has offered me. This year we had the opportunity to organize the first Hispanic Business and Technology Expo in San Diego. It was an amazing experience. I’m very thankful for the exhibitors that we had, the organizations that supported us, the people that attended the show and opportunities that the show has brought us.
4. The City and County proclamations that the Hispanic Business Showcase received. I’m very thankful to Mayor Jerry Sanders and San Diego County Supervisor Greg Cox for their valuable support. Receiving the proclamations from them was a very special moment for me and I’m never ever going to forget it.
5. God’s will. I’m very thankful for God’s blessings. He keeps me healthy and happy so I’m extremely thankful for that. Nothing would be possible without his blessings. I’m thankful for all the opportunities that he has brought to my life.
Thank you all for your support. I’ll keep working hard to be the best that I can be for all of you and for myself. Have a very Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy the Holiday!