Business Coach for 7-Figure Business Owners

Growth & Prosperity in San Diego County

Tayde Aburto

August 7, 2017


Prosperity enables people to gain meaningful employment, pursue the opportunities they desire, lead productive lives, and build a future for their families and friends. As the Hispanic community continues to grow in San Diego County, Hispanic leaders in the region must have the responsibility to contribute to the economic empowerment of the Hispanic community. As Americans, it is our duty to be key economic drivers for growth and not an underperforming segment of the population. Numbers do not lie, our presence in San Diego County keeps growing by the year:

In 2015, there were 1.38 time more White residents (1.52M people) in San Diego County, CA than any other race or ethnicity. This is followed by Hispanic with 1.1M and Asian with 379,566. If we do not perform at the market average professionally, we are not going to be an asset to San Diego County.


I have been living in San Diego County for a little over 11 years now. When I moved to San Diego in 2006, I spoke English barely enough to get myself around the city. My wife forced me to improve my English to be successful in the marketplace. I still have a strong English accent, and that is the next step I am working on to get better, but at least I am capable of handling business deals at any level.

38.1% of San Diego County, CA citizens are speakers of a non-English language, which is higher than the national average of 21.5%. The most common language spoken in San Diego County, CA in 2015, other than English, was Spanish with 22.5% of the overall population being native speakers. This was followed by Tagalog with 2.93% and Chinese with 1.31%.

When compared to other counties, San Diego County, CA has a relatively high number of residents that are native Other speakers. In 2015, there were 11,957 native speakers, approximately 8.08 times more than would be expected, living in San Diego County, CA.

I deal with hundreds of Hispanic business owners a year. I know that many of them do not speak enough English. Is that a barrier to personal and professional growth? You better believe it. However, it is not a good idea to neglect Spanish speaking immigrants at all. Why? Spanish speaking immigrants are already set up in San Diego County, many of them contributing to the growth of our local economy with their businesses. The economic empowerment of that niche is a top priority for me and many others in our community.

Many Spanish speaking entrepreneurs are not interested in taking their business to the next level; they are comfortable in the stage they are. For those who want to expand and become a greater asset to San Diego County’s economy, we must provide the resources that they need to grow. That is why our work, through the Hispanic Chamber of E-Commerce, is so relevant.

How can we grow economic prosperity in San Diego County when the median household income is $60K+?

According to Expatistan, cost of living in San Diego breaks down as follows:

Living Wage Calculation for San Diego County, California

Cost of Living and Prices in Similar City (NorCal)

Cost of Living, Prices in San Jose, California (United States) – MHH Income $77K

I compared San Diego to San Jose just because of the similarities that both cities have. San Jose and San Diego are as expensive, but MHH income is a little higher in San Jose. One way to increase MHH income in the Hispanic community is through the economic empowerment of the Hispanic business community. They can help to create high-paid jobs if we make doing business easy for them. Time to cut red tape and time for a tax reform that makes sense for small businesses.

Poverty by Race & Ethnicity

The most common race or ethnicity living below the poverty line in San Diego County, CA is White, followed by Hispanic or Latino and Unknown.

The Census Bureau uses a set of money income thresholds that vary by family size and composition to determine who is in poverty. If a family’s total income is less than the family’s threshold, then that family and every individual in it is considered in poverty.

Over 30% of Hispanics are in poverty in San Diego County. Are our elected officials and private sector doing enough to lower that statistic? I do not think so. Listen, many can argue that it is not a priority to reduce the percentage of Latinos in poverty, but I can tell you that they are dead wrong. When over 30% of the population are Latinos, it is a top priority for everyone to increase economic prosperity in that community.


Someone asked me once, why do you have so much love for the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers -SHPE? It is a no brainer! Highest paid occupations in San Diego are engineers. We need more Hispanic graduates with an engineering degree in San Diego County. One more way to increase economic prosperity in our community.

The most common occupations in San Diego County are not the best paid. We need more Latinos in STEM, Healthcare and business owners.

In 2015 the majority of students graduating from institutions in San Diego County, CA were White with 21,809 graduates. There were 1.45 times more White graduates than the next closest race/ethnicity group, Hispanic or Latino, with 15,036 graduates.

The San Diego Union Tribune wrote an article titled “Hispanic population growth has a big effect” back in 2011. One of the people interviewed mentioned:

“Essentially, the youngsters need baby boomers’ political and tax clout to boost educational resources, and then in 10 to 20 years the boomers will need those children to support them by sustaining the economy, said John Weeks, director of San Diego State University’s International Population Center. The most important thing is to get kids well-educated so that we have an excellent labor market,” Weeks said.”

Are those Hispanic “youngsters” really sustaining the economy? Not to the expected levels from what I see in neighborhoods with a high concentration of Hispanics.

One way to foster economic growth in the Hispanic community is by increasing the total number of Hispanic owned businesses in the County. Also, we need to make sure that the 43,000 Hispanic owned businesses in the region are not underperforming.

Hispanic business associations in the region must step up their game. We cannot positively impact the Hispanic business community by just hosting business mixers and galas. Our organizations must provide access to the business resources needed to succeed in a global economy.

If the Hispanic business community in San Diego County does not think big, they will keep generating net revenues under the market average.

It is a challenge to inspire those who are already comfortable with what they are currently making. The income produced by most Hispanic owned businesses in San Diego County may be enough to cover monthly expenses and stuff, but not enough to generate generational wealth.

We are committed to building economic prosperity in the Hispanic business community in San Diego County. Stay tuned for some of the new programs and initiatives that we are going to roll out through the Hispanic Chamber of E-Commerce Foundation over the next weeks.

Also, if you have the opportunity, please join us on September 7 at the Q & A event with Mr. Palomarez, President & CEO of the United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. An event that will kick-off our Q & A series with high-profile business owners from all over the United States and Mexico.

We have much work to do. We welcome feedback from anyone committed to building economic prosperity in the San Diego County area. It is a priority for all to get better business opportunities, better education and better neighborhoods for our families to live.



Picture of Tayde Aburto

Tayde Aburto

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Next time you are in the Paso Robles area, stop by @jackcreekfarms. Jack Creek Farms is a small, fifth-generation family farm nestled in the coastal foothills of Central California, 6 miles west of Templeton and Paso Robles. The farm's stand is directly off scenic Highway 46 West, in the heart of San Luis Obispo County wine country. My family and I stop by whenever possible to get honey and other great products they sell. Thank you, Becky and family, for your hospitality. Support small businesses! #jackcreekfarms #honeytasting #pasorobles #travelpasorobles #visitcambria
Today's actions shape tomorrow’s outcomes. 

The choices we make now set the path for our future. 

Opting for progress over procrastination helps us achieve our goals, while procrastination holds us back. 

Focusing on our tasks rather than giving in to distractions allows us to be productive and move closer to success. 

Prioritizing learning over leisure enhances our skills and knowledge, paving the way for better opportunities.

Each small, consistent effort we put in today builds the foundation for a successful and fulfilling future. 

Making conscious, positive choices now means our future self will enjoy the benefits and be grateful for the decisions made today.

Follow @taydeaburto for more!

#personaldevelopment #keepgoing #mindsetmatters #dailyinspiration #growthmindset #goalsetting #personaldevelopment #changeyourmindset #inspiration #motivation #mindfulness #impact #neversettle #makeimpactnotnoise #contractorservice #selfdiscipline
Scale like a fine wine 🍷 

More than just a drink, wine inspires the art of scaling. 

Wine entrepreneurs understand that you don’t uncork  A) The vineyard → B) The bottle  you have many steps in between A and B. 

✅ A great growing season 
✅ Perfect fermentation conditions 
✅ Careful aging 
✅ Expert blending 

All to ensure the perfect bottle of wine arrives at your table. 

Scaling is the same. 

First, you must plant the vineyard. This is the foundation: 

✅ Identify your audience 
✅ Define your mission 
✅ Solve a unique problem 

Then refine the production process: 

✔️ Delegate 
✔️ Automate 
✔️ Outsource 
✔️ Systemize 

You’ll need an expert blender: 

✔️ Hire a team 
✔️ Collaborate 
✔️ Partner 

Patience pays off: 

💰 Measure 
💰 Iterate 

In the end, scale is more than just pouring from the bottle. It’s the perfect bottle, from the perfect vineyard, at the perfect time. 🍇🍾 

If you ever want to experience successful wine entrepreneurs, visit Paso Robles, CA wine country. There are more than 200 #wineries in the area. I stopped by @jdusiwines yesterday and had a nice time. 

Cheers to your scaling efforts! 

#wine #pasorobles #pasorobleswine #pasorobleswinecountry #pasorobleswineries #pasoroblescalifornia #entrepreneurship #entrepreneurs #businessowner #businesscoach
Trying is more than just an action; it's the pathway from where you are now to where you want to be. 

If you don't try, you'll never discover what's possible. 

Taking the first step is crucial. 

Start with an attempt, learn from it, make improvements, and try again. 

This cycle of trying, learning, and improving is essential for growth and success. 

Without it, you'll stay in the same place, never knowing what you could achieve. 

So, begin your journey, keep trying, and repeat the process until you reach your goals.

Follow @taydeaburto for more!

#authenticliving #nolimitsmindset #positivevibesonly #mindfulness #positivity #successmindset #innerstrength #keeptrying #selfimprovement #personaldevelopment #goalsetting #fearlessgrowth #enjoythejourney #mindfulprogress #personalfulfillment #beyourbestself
Have you ever told yourself you're not ready? 

Not ready to start your business, quit your job, or take a big step? 

Here's a truth: just go for it. 

You are more prepared than you think. 

The magic happens when you dive in before feeling ready. 

You'll surprise yourself with what you can achieve. 

Waiting for the perfect moment means waiting forever. 

That fear you're feeling is just pretending to be logic. 

Trust yourself to figure things out as you go.

Stop waiting and take action now. 

Follow @taydeaburto for more motivation and tips to step out of your comfort zone!

#motivation #inspiration #takeaction #entrepreneur #business #growthmindset #success #selfimprovement #fearless #justdoit #mindset #personaldevelopment #goalsetting #hustle #believeinyourself
When you focus on building aspects of yourself that no one can snatch away, like your mindset, character, and personality, you become a force to be reckoned with. 

Your mindset is your outlook on life, your character is your moral compass, and your personality is what makes you unique. 

These qualities are like armor, protecting you from setbacks and criticisms. 

When you invest in them, you become unstoppable because they're deeply rooted within you, guiding your actions and decisions. 

No matter what challenges come your way, these strengths will help you navigate through them with resilience and grace.

Follow @taydeaburto for more inspiration!

#businesscoach #businesslife #businesscoach #unbreakable #selfgrowth #selfbelief #authenticity #empowerment #motivation #inspiration #unstoppable #mindset #character #personality #strengths #resilience #grace #innerpower
Don’t overreact!

Jot this down on a sticky note. 

When someone upsets you or even when you’re super excited, try not to overreact.

Why? Because people trust those who stay calm and composed. 

Overreacting shows others that you might not have control over your emotions. 

By keeping your cool, you’ll notice a big positive change in how others see you. 

So, how do you manage your emotions in tough times? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

#selfcontrol #staycalm #keeppositivity #mindfulmoment #emotioncontrol #lifetips #positivemindset #emotionallife #personalgrowth #lifecoaching #staycomposed #livebetter #bettermindset #innerpeace #emotionalintelligence #reactwisely #stayfocused #lifelessons #positiveliving
Laziness often comes from not feeling a deep connection or urgency. 

Imagine facing something dire, like the devil chasing you or the chance you might die tomorrow. 

This intense pressure can push you to do amazing things. 

To combat laziness, set strict deadlines and remind yourself of potential losses, like losing your job or health. 

These thoughts can motivate you to act and reach your goals. 

What's your biggest challenge in overcoming laziness? Share your thoughts in the comments, and let's work on it together.

#motivation #overcomelaziness #productivity #selfimprovement #goalsetting #stayfocused #beatprocrastination #selfdiscipline #mindsetshift #takeaction #lifemotivation #successmindset #businessowner #businesstips #businessconsultant
Life is all about how you see things. 

What you might think of as trash could be valuable to someone else. 

What feels like a setback to you might inspire someone else to keep going. 

What you see as a weakness could be a strength to another person. 

By changing the way you look at things, you can change your life. 

When you start to see challenges as opportunities and your flaws as unique strengths, everything changes for the better.

Flip your view, and you'll find new paths and possibilities in every situation.

Follow @taydeaburto for more!

#businessowner #businesscoach #businessideas #perspective #mindset #positivevibes #motivation #inspiration #lookonthebrightside #changeyourview #seethedifference #perspectivechange #newperspective #entrepreneur #startup #business #entrepreneurlife
Since the late 19th century, the Royal Observatory has been the historic source of the Prime Meridian of the world, Longitude 0° 0’ 0’’. 

The world prime meridian marks the divide between the eastern and western hemispheres.

Before this, almost every town in the world kept its own local time. There were no national or international conventions to set how time should be measured. However, with the vast expansion of the railway and communications networks during the 1850s and 1860s, the worldwide need for an international time standard became imperative.

The Greenwich Meridian was chosen to be the Prime Meridian of the World in 1884. Forty-one delegates from 25 nations met in Washington DC for the International Meridian Conference. By the end of the conference, Greenwich had won the prize of Longitude 0º.

I visited the remarkable place that gave Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) to the world. 

Time is the most valuable currency in business. 

You can get more money, more resources, more connections. 

But you can’t get more time. 

Every successful business owner I know honors their own time. 

They know time well spent is worth more than wasted money. 

Invest your time in things that align with your goals: 

- Building relationships 
- Testing ideas 
- Staying up-to-date with trends 
- Focusing on high-leverage activities 

Entrepreneurship is a journey that requires smart time management. 

You don’t need to do more. 

You need to do what moves the needle. 

Do you value your time enough?

#time #timemanagement #greenwich #greenwichlondon #greenwichobservatory #primemeridian  #london #london🇬🇧 #business #smallbusiness #gmt
It’s not just in your head.  Gratitude grows with traveling. 
When you travel, you’re more likely to: 

✔️ Meet new people and cultures 
✔️ Encounter different perspectives 
✔️ Experience personal growth 
✔️ Face new challenges 

In turn, you’re more likely to: 

✔️ Appreciate what you have at home 
✔️ Develop a more positive outlook 
✔️ Practice mindfulness 
✔️ Nurture relationships 

Travel teaches you to be thankful - for both the good and the bad. 

What’s a travel experience that you’re thankful for?

#travel #zurich #switzerland #switzerland🇨🇭 #entrepreneurlife #business #zürich
Being busy isn't always the problem; it's about deciding what's most important to us and using our time for those things. 

Follow @taydeaburto for more!

#businessowner #businessgrowthexpert #businessmentor #smallbusinessadministration #businessgrowthstrategy #timepriorities #timemanagement #choosewisely #valueyourtime #allocateyourtime #timeallocation #reassesspriorities #busybutfocused #maketimecount #timewisdom #smarttimemoves
Stress often comes from living a life shaped by others’ expectations and not your own choices. 

If you wake up feeling overwhelmed by pressures and demands that you didn’t set for yourself, it’s time to rethink and express what you truly want. 

Redirect your energy towards activities that excite you and align with your dreams. 

When you’re engaged in meaningful work that supports your future, stress fades. 

But if you’re stuck doing something you dislike because of past commitments, renegotiate those terms. 

Sometimes, the solution isn’t doing less but focusing more on what truly drives you forward.

Follow @taydeaburto for more!

#stressmanagement #personalgrowth #findyourpassion #mentalhealth #lifebalance #dreamchaser #overcomestress #liveauthentic #createyourlife #mindsetshift #goalsetting #liveyourdreams #selfempowerment #positiveliving #intentionality
Thinking like a victim is like carrying around a dark cloud. It makes you feel like everything bad is happening to you, blaming others or luck.

But if you change that thinking, it's like stepping into the sunshine. You realize you can control your story.

Challenges become chances to learn and grow. When you stop thinking like a victim, you take charge, and life becomes more about what you can do, not just what happens to you. 

Follow @taydeaburto for more!

#timepriorities #timemanagement #lifebalance #organizeyourday #choosewisely #maketime #prioritizejoy #balancedliving #smartchoices #useyourtime #selfimprovement #manifestation #lifecoaching #mindpower #growthmindset #lawofattraction #mindsetmatters #positivemindset #mindfulliving
Don’t let negative thoughts and challenging circumstances dictate your life. 

Seize control and actively pursue financial opportunities, even in adversity. 

Empower yourself to overcome obstacles and seek possibilities that align with your aspirations. 

Your future should reflect your dreams, not your fears. 

By breaking free from limiting beliefs and taking decisive action, you can navigate difficulties and shape a path that fulfills your vision. 

Have resilience, be proactive, and keep moving forward to create a life that resonates with your true potential and desires. 

Your journey to financial freedom starts with the choices you make today.

Follow @taydeaburto for more inspiration!

#motivation #selfempowerment #financialfreedom #positivemindset #dreambig #takecontrol #overcomefear #believeinyourself #breakthrough #seizeopportunity #createyourfuture #resilience #proactive #successmindset #nevergiveup #dreamchasers #selfgrowth #lifegoals #mindsetmatters #positivevibes








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