Business Coach for 7-Figure Business Owners


Tayde Aburto

August 14, 2016



En 2006 llegue a San Diego sin conocer a nadie más que a la persona que es actualmente mi esposa. A partir del momento en que supe que tenia que quedarme en San Diego tuve que comenzar el proceso de adaptación a mi nueva vida.

Comenzar desde “cero” no fue fácil. Los primeros 18 meses fueron difíciles por distintas razones. Lo bueno es que desde entonces aprendí a apoyarme de mi esposa. Estoy muy agradecido con la vida por haberme dado la oportunidad de terminar con una mujer fuerte a mi lado.

Desde temprana edad aprendí el valor de ser respetado. El respeto no es algo que se puede comprar, negociar o transferir, se tiene que ganar.

Cuando comenzamos la Cámara Hispana de Comercio Electrónico sabia que iba a ser un camino lleno de retos y de bastante trabajo para poder llegar al punto donde diferentes organizaciones y empresarios vieran nuestro trabajo y contribuciones con respeto.

Creo que hemos logrado grandes avances en ese sentido pero aun hay bastante trabajo por hacer, al menos para llevar a la asociación a los niveles que nosotros deseamos.

No se trata de una cuestión de ego. Nosotros entendemos claramente que para poder ofrecer mas valor a nuestros miembros, HISCEC tiene que ser una asociación que sea respetada en todos los niveles.

HISCEC es relativamente “joven” en el mercado. No es una asociación empresarial con 25 años como muchas en el mercado. Tan sólo tenemos 8 años contando desde el primer día que el sitio web de HISCEC se hizo publico.

Entre mas respetada sea HISCEC y el trabajo que hace su servidor, mas fácil será para ambos el lograr metas de mayor alcance.

A mi me ha tocado pasar por un proceso de aprendizaje que ha sido relativamente largo, al menos así es como se siente. Aunque cuando pongo las cosas en perspectiva me doy cuenta que hemos logrado bastantes metas en muy poco tiempo.

Uno de los consejos que constantemente doy a todos los empresarios con los que tengo contacto semana con semana es el de invertir el tiempo y los recursos necesarios para ganarse el respecto del mercado y de las personas que están a su alrededor.

Dicen por ahí, “Crea fama y échate a dormir”.

Ese dicho popular aplica en las buenas y en las malas. Invertir tiempo en generar una buena reputación toma bastante tiempo y hay que ser tan abierto y sincero como sea posible para ir generando una relación de confianza y respeto entre las partes.

Creo fielmente que sin tener respeto de las personas que están a tu alrededor y a las que sirves, es muy difícil que logres todas tus metas.

#ElCEOSolitario entiende mejor que nadie la importancia del respeto y el tiempo. Es mas fácil hacer crecer una empresa cuando tienes el apoyo y respeto de personas que creen en tu trabajo.

Yo me siento afortunado de cómo San Diego me ha adoptado y de la decenas de personas que he conocido gracias a HISCEC. El crecimiento de la organización no seria posible sin la admiración y respeto que nos hemos logrado ganar a base de trabajo en el mercado.

Reitero que aun no podemos lanzar las campanas al vuelo porque reconozco que todavía hay bastante trabajo por hacer para que mas organizaciones, empresarios y entidades claves reconozcan y respeten nuestro trabajo.

Por eso estamos yendo de regreso a la esencia de lo que es una cámara de comercio y estamos incorporando elementos innovadores que nos permitan diferenciarnos de los demás.

Te invito a que comiences a invertir en todas las actividades que ayuden a fortalecer tu marca personal para que tu voz y tu trabajo tengan mas peso. Cuando te conviertes en una persona respetada en tu área de interés, tu nivel de influencia incrementa y con ello el logro de metas se hace un poco más sencillo.

Es bien importante tener en cuenta que así como se gana el respeto se pierde! Por ello tienes que estar siempre invirtiendo tiempo en cuidarlo y hacerlo crecer.

Yo invierto 65+ horas de trabajo a la semana construyendo el legado por el cual quiero ser reconocido. Quiero dejar un legado del cual todos mis seres queridos, amigos y aliados estratégicos se sientan muy orgullosos.

La misión en la que estoy no es algo que se puede concretar de la noche a la mañana. Por eso el arduo trabajo y la inversión en todo lo que ayude a ganar el respeto de las personas que admiro y de las organizaciones con las que trabajamos.

Te invito a que inviertas tiempo en desarrollar tu marca personal en base a valores, trabajo, disciplina, respeto y pasión por lo que haces.

Muchas gracias por seguir leer este post en la serie de #ELCEOSolitario. Ya pronto viene el podcast.



Picture of Tayde Aburto

Tayde Aburto

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Next time you are in the Paso Robles area, stop by @jackcreekfarms. Jack Creek Farms is a small, fifth-generation family farm nestled in the coastal foothills of Central California, 6 miles west of Templeton and Paso Robles. The farm's stand is directly off scenic Highway 46 West, in the heart of San Luis Obispo County wine country. My family and I stop by whenever possible to get honey and other great products they sell. Thank you, Becky and family, for your hospitality. Support small businesses! #jackcreekfarms #honeytasting #pasorobles #travelpasorobles #visitcambria
Today's actions shape tomorrow’s outcomes. 

The choices we make now set the path for our future. 

Opting for progress over procrastination helps us achieve our goals, while procrastination holds us back. 

Focusing on our tasks rather than giving in to distractions allows us to be productive and move closer to success. 

Prioritizing learning over leisure enhances our skills and knowledge, paving the way for better opportunities.

Each small, consistent effort we put in today builds the foundation for a successful and fulfilling future. 

Making conscious, positive choices now means our future self will enjoy the benefits and be grateful for the decisions made today.

Follow @taydeaburto for more!

#personaldevelopment #keepgoing #mindsetmatters #dailyinspiration #growthmindset #goalsetting #personaldevelopment #changeyourmindset #inspiration #motivation #mindfulness #impact #neversettle #makeimpactnotnoise #contractorservice #selfdiscipline
Scale like a fine wine 🍷 

More than just a drink, wine inspires the art of scaling. 

Wine entrepreneurs understand that you don’t uncork  A) The vineyard → B) The bottle  you have many steps in between A and B. 

✅ A great growing season 
✅ Perfect fermentation conditions 
✅ Careful aging 
✅ Expert blending 

All to ensure the perfect bottle of wine arrives at your table. 

Scaling is the same. 

First, you must plant the vineyard. This is the foundation: 

✅ Identify your audience 
✅ Define your mission 
✅ Solve a unique problem 

Then refine the production process: 

✔️ Delegate 
✔️ Automate 
✔️ Outsource 
✔️ Systemize 

You’ll need an expert blender: 

✔️ Hire a team 
✔️ Collaborate 
✔️ Partner 

Patience pays off: 

💰 Measure 
💰 Iterate 

In the end, scale is more than just pouring from the bottle. It’s the perfect bottle, from the perfect vineyard, at the perfect time. 🍇🍾 

If you ever want to experience successful wine entrepreneurs, visit Paso Robles, CA wine country. There are more than 200 #wineries in the area. I stopped by @jdusiwines yesterday and had a nice time. 

Cheers to your scaling efforts! 

#wine #pasorobles #pasorobleswine #pasorobleswinecountry #pasorobleswineries #pasoroblescalifornia #entrepreneurship #entrepreneurs #businessowner #businesscoach
Trying is more than just an action; it's the pathway from where you are now to where you want to be. 

If you don't try, you'll never discover what's possible. 

Taking the first step is crucial. 

Start with an attempt, learn from it, make improvements, and try again. 

This cycle of trying, learning, and improving is essential for growth and success. 

Without it, you'll stay in the same place, never knowing what you could achieve. 

So, begin your journey, keep trying, and repeat the process until you reach your goals.

Follow @taydeaburto for more!

#authenticliving #nolimitsmindset #positivevibesonly #mindfulness #positivity #successmindset #innerstrength #keeptrying #selfimprovement #personaldevelopment #goalsetting #fearlessgrowth #enjoythejourney #mindfulprogress #personalfulfillment #beyourbestself
Have you ever told yourself you're not ready? 

Not ready to start your business, quit your job, or take a big step? 

Here's a truth: just go for it. 

You are more prepared than you think. 

The magic happens when you dive in before feeling ready. 

You'll surprise yourself with what you can achieve. 

Waiting for the perfect moment means waiting forever. 

That fear you're feeling is just pretending to be logic. 

Trust yourself to figure things out as you go.

Stop waiting and take action now. 

Follow @taydeaburto for more motivation and tips to step out of your comfort zone!

#motivation #inspiration #takeaction #entrepreneur #business #growthmindset #success #selfimprovement #fearless #justdoit #mindset #personaldevelopment #goalsetting #hustle #believeinyourself
When you focus on building aspects of yourself that no one can snatch away, like your mindset, character, and personality, you become a force to be reckoned with. 

Your mindset is your outlook on life, your character is your moral compass, and your personality is what makes you unique. 

These qualities are like armor, protecting you from setbacks and criticisms. 

When you invest in them, you become unstoppable because they're deeply rooted within you, guiding your actions and decisions. 

No matter what challenges come your way, these strengths will help you navigate through them with resilience and grace.

Follow @taydeaburto for more inspiration!

#businesscoach #businesslife #businesscoach #unbreakable #selfgrowth #selfbelief #authenticity #empowerment #motivation #inspiration #unstoppable #mindset #character #personality #strengths #resilience #grace #innerpower
Don’t overreact!

Jot this down on a sticky note. 

When someone upsets you or even when you’re super excited, try not to overreact.

Why? Because people trust those who stay calm and composed. 

Overreacting shows others that you might not have control over your emotions. 

By keeping your cool, you’ll notice a big positive change in how others see you. 

So, how do you manage your emotions in tough times? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

#selfcontrol #staycalm #keeppositivity #mindfulmoment #emotioncontrol #lifetips #positivemindset #emotionallife #personalgrowth #lifecoaching #staycomposed #livebetter #bettermindset #innerpeace #emotionalintelligence #reactwisely #stayfocused #lifelessons #positiveliving
Laziness often comes from not feeling a deep connection or urgency. 

Imagine facing something dire, like the devil chasing you or the chance you might die tomorrow. 

This intense pressure can push you to do amazing things. 

To combat laziness, set strict deadlines and remind yourself of potential losses, like losing your job or health. 

These thoughts can motivate you to act and reach your goals. 

What's your biggest challenge in overcoming laziness? Share your thoughts in the comments, and let's work on it together.

#motivation #overcomelaziness #productivity #selfimprovement #goalsetting #stayfocused #beatprocrastination #selfdiscipline #mindsetshift #takeaction #lifemotivation #successmindset #businessowner #businesstips #businessconsultant
Life is all about how you see things. 

What you might think of as trash could be valuable to someone else. 

What feels like a setback to you might inspire someone else to keep going. 

What you see as a weakness could be a strength to another person. 

By changing the way you look at things, you can change your life. 

When you start to see challenges as opportunities and your flaws as unique strengths, everything changes for the better.

Flip your view, and you'll find new paths and possibilities in every situation.

Follow @taydeaburto for more!

#businessowner #businesscoach #businessideas #perspective #mindset #positivevibes #motivation #inspiration #lookonthebrightside #changeyourview #seethedifference #perspectivechange #newperspective #entrepreneur #startup #business #entrepreneurlife
Since the late 19th century, the Royal Observatory has been the historic source of the Prime Meridian of the world, Longitude 0° 0’ 0’’. 

The world prime meridian marks the divide between the eastern and western hemispheres.

Before this, almost every town in the world kept its own local time. There were no national or international conventions to set how time should be measured. However, with the vast expansion of the railway and communications networks during the 1850s and 1860s, the worldwide need for an international time standard became imperative.

The Greenwich Meridian was chosen to be the Prime Meridian of the World in 1884. Forty-one delegates from 25 nations met in Washington DC for the International Meridian Conference. By the end of the conference, Greenwich had won the prize of Longitude 0º.

I visited the remarkable place that gave Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) to the world. 

Time is the most valuable currency in business. 

You can get more money, more resources, more connections. 

But you can’t get more time. 

Every successful business owner I know honors their own time. 

They know time well spent is worth more than wasted money. 

Invest your time in things that align with your goals: 

- Building relationships 
- Testing ideas 
- Staying up-to-date with trends 
- Focusing on high-leverage activities 

Entrepreneurship is a journey that requires smart time management. 

You don’t need to do more. 

You need to do what moves the needle. 

Do you value your time enough?

#time #timemanagement #greenwich #greenwichlondon #greenwichobservatory #primemeridian  #london #london🇬🇧 #business #smallbusiness #gmt
It’s not just in your head.  Gratitude grows with traveling. 
When you travel, you’re more likely to: 

✔️ Meet new people and cultures 
✔️ Encounter different perspectives 
✔️ Experience personal growth 
✔️ Face new challenges 

In turn, you’re more likely to: 

✔️ Appreciate what you have at home 
✔️ Develop a more positive outlook 
✔️ Practice mindfulness 
✔️ Nurture relationships 

Travel teaches you to be thankful - for both the good and the bad. 

What’s a travel experience that you’re thankful for?

#travel #zurich #switzerland #switzerland🇨🇭 #entrepreneurlife #business #zürich
Being busy isn't always the problem; it's about deciding what's most important to us and using our time for those things. 

Follow @taydeaburto for more!

#businessowner #businessgrowthexpert #businessmentor #smallbusinessadministration #businessgrowthstrategy #timepriorities #timemanagement #choosewisely #valueyourtime #allocateyourtime #timeallocation #reassesspriorities #busybutfocused #maketimecount #timewisdom #smarttimemoves
Stress often comes from living a life shaped by others’ expectations and not your own choices. 

If you wake up feeling overwhelmed by pressures and demands that you didn’t set for yourself, it’s time to rethink and express what you truly want. 

Redirect your energy towards activities that excite you and align with your dreams. 

When you’re engaged in meaningful work that supports your future, stress fades. 

But if you’re stuck doing something you dislike because of past commitments, renegotiate those terms. 

Sometimes, the solution isn’t doing less but focusing more on what truly drives you forward.

Follow @taydeaburto for more!

#stressmanagement #personalgrowth #findyourpassion #mentalhealth #lifebalance #dreamchaser #overcomestress #liveauthentic #createyourlife #mindsetshift #goalsetting #liveyourdreams #selfempowerment #positiveliving #intentionality
Thinking like a victim is like carrying around a dark cloud. It makes you feel like everything bad is happening to you, blaming others or luck.

But if you change that thinking, it's like stepping into the sunshine. You realize you can control your story.

Challenges become chances to learn and grow. When you stop thinking like a victim, you take charge, and life becomes more about what you can do, not just what happens to you. 

Follow @taydeaburto for more!

#timepriorities #timemanagement #lifebalance #organizeyourday #choosewisely #maketime #prioritizejoy #balancedliving #smartchoices #useyourtime #selfimprovement #manifestation #lifecoaching #mindpower #growthmindset #lawofattraction #mindsetmatters #positivemindset #mindfulliving
Don’t let negative thoughts and challenging circumstances dictate your life. 

Seize control and actively pursue financial opportunities, even in adversity. 

Empower yourself to overcome obstacles and seek possibilities that align with your aspirations. 

Your future should reflect your dreams, not your fears. 

By breaking free from limiting beliefs and taking decisive action, you can navigate difficulties and shape a path that fulfills your vision. 

Have resilience, be proactive, and keep moving forward to create a life that resonates with your true potential and desires. 

Your journey to financial freedom starts with the choices you make today.

Follow @taydeaburto for more inspiration!

#motivation #selfempowerment #financialfreedom #positivemindset #dreambig #takecontrol #overcomefear #believeinyourself #breakthrough #seizeopportunity #createyourfuture #resilience #proactive #successmindset #nevergiveup #dreamchasers #selfgrowth #lifegoals #mindsetmatters #positivevibes








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