Threads App for Business
< 1 Welcome to our latest video, where we explore Instagram’s latest innovation, the Threads App. Discover how the Threads App can help your small business engage with potential clients, customers, vendors, and other stakeholders. Learn about the intricate features, benefits, and how to utilize Threads to integrate a new communication channel for your business. This video […]
Business Coach for Life | Why Become a Business Coach?
< 1 🎬 “WHY BECOME A BUSINESS COACH?” 🎬 In today’s video, we explore the fascinating journey toward becoming a business coach and the reasons why people are drawn to this rewarding profession. Are you considering a career in business coaching? This video is for you! Here’s what we’ll cover: ✔️ The satisfaction of helping others succeed […]
The Cash Flow Statement and Playbook
2 MIN READWhy is Cash Flow important? Cash flow is undoubtedly one of the key elements for a small business to be successful. It’s not just about ensuring that cash is coming into the business but also making sure that cash is being managed and allocated to the areas it needs to go to for the business […]
Access to Capital by Managing Business Cash Flow
< 1 Learn strategies that will help you access capital by managing business cash flow. Presented by: Joseph Trimble Business Liaison Consultant | Mountain Region Small Business Leader Wells Fargo Key takeaways: 1. Review your current cash flow management process and increase efficiency by making a goal out of one of the five tips shared in the […]
Cómo Hacer Crecer una Empresa
< 1 Cómo Hacer Crecer una Empresa Tu negocio es como un avión. Hay seis partes importantes de un avión que son útiles para comprender cómo hacer crecer un negocio. 1. Cabina: Liderazgo. 2. Motor derecho: Marketing. 3. Motor izquierdo: Ventas. 4. Alas: Productos / Servicios. 5. Cuerpo: Arriba. 6. Tanques de combustible: flujo de caja. Para […]
Puesto San Diego ~ Tayde Show Taco Review
< 1 My son started a new Taco Review series about eight weeks ago. I want to share with you the Puesto San Diego review. Please subscribe to his YouTube channel and like his videos. I appreciate it. Puesto San Diego “This week we reviewed Puesto San Diego. From their website, Puesto San Diego story: “It […]
How To Get Certified As A Minority Owned Business?
< 1 Minority-owned businesses are growing in number. Learn how to get certified as a minority-owned business to take advantage of the business opportunities that are available with the government and corporations. Access to resources are available here: If you are a minority-owned business, we want to invite you list your company for free at
Your Idea Won’t Work | Startups
< 1 I talk about ideas that don’t work and why you should stop working on your project right now if you don’t honestly believe in what you are doing. Starting a company is not easy. It’s a very bumpy journey. You must be prepared to deal with any challenges that come your way. Focus, dedication, and […]
Emprendedores tu Idea NO va a Funcionar
< 1 Hablaremos sobre ideas que no funcionan y por qué deberías dejar de trabajar en tu proyecto ahora mismo si no crees honestamente en lo que estás haciendo. Crear una empresa no es fácil. Es un camino lleno de retos. Debes estar preparado para enfrentar cualquier desafío que se te presente. El enfoque, la dedicación y […]
Crowdfunding for Startups: Scale or Fail.
< 1 In this episode of the Tayde & Ratón segment, we talked about the new SEC rule that will facilitate capital formation and expand investment opportunities by improving access to capital in private markets. SEC is adopting amendments to facilitate capital formation and increase opportunities for investors by expanding access to capital for small and medium-sized […]